In [1]:
%autosave 0
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
display(HTML('<style>.container { width:100%; } </style>'))

Autosave disabled

Spam Detection Using a Support Vector Machine

The process of creating a spam detector using a Support Vector Machine is split up into five steps.

  • Create a set of the most common words occurring in spam and ham (i.e. non-spam) emails.
  • Transform every mail into a frequency vector: For every word in the set of most common words, the frequency vector stores the frequency of this word in the respective mail.
  • For every word in the list of most common word, compute the inverse document frequency.
  • Compute the feature matrix by transforming the frequency vectors into vectors that contain the product of the term frequency with the inverse document frequency.
  • Train and test an SVM using this feature matrix.

Step 1: Create the Set of Common Words

In [2]:
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import math

In [3]:
from collections import Counter

The directory contains 960 emails that are divided into four subdirectories:

  • spam-train contains 350 spam emails for training,
  • ham-train contains 350 non-spam emails for training,
  • spam-test contains 130 spam emails for testing,
  • ham-test contains 130 non-spam emails for testing.

I have found this data on the page provided by Andrew Ng.

We declare some variables so that this notebook can be adapted to other data sets.

In [4]:
spam_dir_train = 'EmailData/spam-train/'
ham__dir_train = 'EmailData/ham-train/'
spam_dir_test  = 'EmailData/spam-test/'
ham__dir_test  = 'EmailData/ham-test/'
Directories    = [spam_dir_train, ham__dir_train, spam_dir_test, ham__dir_test]

The function $\texttt{get_word_set}(\texttt{fn})$ takes a filename $\texttt{fn}$ as its argument. It reads the file and returns a set of all words that are found in this file. The words are transformed to lower case.

In [5]:
def get_words_set(fn):
    with open(fn) as file:
        text =
        text = text.lower()
        return set(re.findall(r"[\w']+", text))

The function read_all_files reads all files contained in those directories that are stored in the list Directories. It returns a Counter. For every word $w$ this counter contains the number of files that contain $w$.

In [6]:
def read_all_files():
    Words = Counter()
    for directory in Directories:
        for file_name in os.listdir(directory):
            Words.update(get_words_set(directory + file_name))
    return Words

Common_Words is a numpy array of the 2500 most common words found in all of our emails.

In [11]:
M            = 2500             # number of the most common words to use
Word_Counter = read_all_files()
Common_Words = np.array(list({ w for w, _ in Word_Counter.most_common(M) }))

In [12]:

array(['hundr', 'handbook', 'san', ..., 'friday', 'instructions', 'act'],

Step 2: Transform Files into Frequency Vectors

Index_Dict is a dictionary that maps from the most common words to their index in the array Common_Words.

In [13]:
Index_Dict = { w: i for i, w in enumerate(Common_Words) }

{'hundr': 0,
 'handbook': 1,
 'san': 2,
 'imagination': 3,
 'pass': 4,
 'effectively': 5,
 'television': 6,
 'generative': 7,
 'initial': 8,
 'enhance': 9,
 'edu': 10,
 'university': 11,
 'system': 12,
 'post': 13,
 'society': 14,
 'fully': 15,
 'comprehensive': 16,
 'frequently': 17,
 'bank': 18,
 'mediumsize': 19,
 'count': 20,
 'extensive': 21,
 'marketer': 22,
 'excess': 23,
 'strongly': 24,
 'constraint': 25,
 'convince': 26,
 'clause': 27,
 'western': 28,
 'blank': 29,
 'hardware': 30,
 'quebec': 31,
 'motivate': 32,
 'al': 33,
 'ourselve': 34,
 'consult': 35,
 'confidential': 36,
 'function': 37,
 'west': 38,
 'order': 39,
 'cloth': 40,
 'concern': 41,
 'property': 42,
 'entitle': 43,
 'greek': 44,
 'explore': 45,
 'mind': 46,
 'application': 47,
 'limit': 48,
 'institut': 49,
 'cognitive': 50,
 'intrusion': 51,
 'finance': 52,
 'parttime': 53,
 'morpheme': 54,
 'water': 55,
 'attention': 56,
 'forum': 57,
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 'belgium': 59,
 'corpus': 60,
 'houston': 61,
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 'representation': 66,
 'respond': 67,
 'likely': 68,
 'html': 69,
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 'reserve': 71,
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 'consideration': 76,
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 'call': 79,
 'competition': 80,
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 'summarize': 87,
 'austin': 88,
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 'female': 92,
 'mexico': 93,
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 'underlie': 95,
 'im': 96,
 'n': 97,
 'maximum': 98,
 'visit': 99,
 'science': 100,
 'weekly': 101,
 'growth': 102,
 'florida': 103,
 'md': 104,
 'diploma': 105,
 'business': 106,
 'aspect': 107,
 'edward': 108,
 'extremely': 109,
 'verify': 110,
 'card': 111,
 'ram': 112,
 'conduct': 113,
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 'mci': 115,
 'law': 116,
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 'march': 118,
 'fl': 119,
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 'driver': 121,
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 'services': 124,
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 'discovery': 126,
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 'disk': 131,
 'cannot': 132,
 'recent': 133,
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 'ever': 135,
 'amex': 136,
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 'key': 139,
 'basis': 140,
 'sociolinguistic': 141,
 'concept': 142,
 'most': 143,
 'sexually': 144,
 'rock': 145,
 'judgment': 146,
 'mr': 147,
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 'rom': 149,
 'photo': 150,
 'arrange': 151,
 'excite': 152,
 'everythe': 153,
 'five': 154,
 'presence': 155,
 'attract': 156,
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 'update': 158,
 'forward': 159,
 'york': 160,
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 'hundred': 162,
 'homebase': 163,
 'piece': 164,
 'upgrade': 165,
 'guest': 166,
 'even': 167,
 'chat': 168,
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 'xxx': 170,
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 'forthcome': 173,
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 'exp': 175,
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 'morphological': 178,
 'writer': 179,
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 'traffic': 181,
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 'agent': 189,
 'der': 190,
 'debt': 191,
 'category': 192,
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 'proper': 194,
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 'wherea': 196,
 'meet': 197,
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 'mortgage': 199,
 'ad': 200,
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 'fantastic': 202,
 'player': 203,
 'flame': 204,
 'city': 205,
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 'sue': 207,
 'reward': 208,
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 'estate': 211,
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 'listing': 784,
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 'every': 786,
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 'rise': 790,
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 'expiration': 793,
 'phillip': 794,
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 'channel': 796,
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 'angele': 798,
 'currency': 799,
 'break': 800,
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 'sake': 803,
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 'finger': 805,
 'stop': 806,
 'htm': 807,
 'adopt': 808,
 'useful': 809,
 'membership': 810,
 'specifically': 811,
 'sent': 812,
 'psychology': 813,
 'fm': 814,
 'trash': 815,
 'entirely': 816,
 'enter': 817,
 'gov': 818,
 'choose': 819,
 'almost': 820,
 'tx': 821,
 'schedule': 822,
 'ahead': 823,
 'tv': 824,
 'nearly': 825,
 'private': 826,
 'phd': 827,
 'retire': 828,
 'study': 829,
 'chomsky': 830,
 'various': 831,
 'plans': 832,
 'waste': 833,
 'proud': 834,
 'ordering': 835,
 'self': 836,
 'description': 837,
 'november': 838,
 'loan': 839,
 'quickly': 840,
 'requirement': 841,
 'corner': 842,
 'responsible': 843,
 'prove': 844,
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 'roll': 846,
 'nature': 847,
 'hand': 848,
 'remove': 849,
 'pittsburgh': 850,
 'accomodation': 851,
 'paste': 852,
 'hundreds': 853,
 'addition': 854,
 'a': 855,
 'behalf': 856,
 'health': 857,
 'teacher': 858,
 'classroom': 859,
 'gold': 860,
 'william': 861,
 'oversea': 862,
 'dream': 863,
 'http': 864,
 'hour': 865,
 'download': 866,
 'occur': 867,
 'continual': 868,
 'topic': 869,
 'free': 870,
 'predicate': 871,
 'exactly': 872,
 'released': 873,
 'contract': 874,
 'unlimited': 875,
 'toll': 876,
 'approximately': 877,
 'exceed': 878,
 'employ': 879,
 'engage': 880,
 'universitaet': 881,
 'pro': 882,
 'summer': 883,
 'letter': 884,
 'standard': 885,
 'let': 886,
 'far': 887,
 'visa': 888,
 'spot': 889,
 'overview': 890,
 'import': 891,
 'attitude': 892,
 'sender': 893,
 'arrive': 894,
 'pre': 895,
 'relate': 896,
 'lecturer': 897,
 'undoubtedly': 898,
 'action': 899,
 'electronically': 900,
 'co': 901,
 'thesis': 902,
 'le': 903,
 'own': 904,
 'ticket': 905,
 'latin': 906,
 'book': 907,
 'brief': 908,
 'audio': 909,
 'version': 910,
 'owner': 911,
 'quit': 912,
 'barbara': 913,
 'presentation': 914,
 'themselve': 915,
 'texa': 916,
 'incorporate': 917,
 'lawyer': 918,
 'current': 919,
 'availability': 920,
 'launch': 921,
 'opportunity': 922,
 'discourse': 923,
 'exclusive': 924,
 'series': 925,
 'reflect': 926,
 'homepage': 927,
 'de': 928,
 'sign': 929,
 'principle': 930,
 'effective': 931,
 'reality': 932,
 'postage': 933,
 'genuine': 934,
 'path': 935,
 'partner': 936,
 'particle': 937,
 'scientist': 938,
 'experience': 939,
 'solution': 940,
 'bring': 941,
 'reconstruction': 942,
 'formation': 943,
 'spam': 944,
 'vendor': 945,
 'semantics': 946,
 'comparison': 947,
 'common': 948,
 'sex': 949,
 'sum': 950,
 'due': 951,
 'association': 952,
 'everything': 953,
 'clearly': 954,
 'contribute': 955,
 'mailto': 956,
 'tilburg': 957,
 'nlg': 958,
 'two': 959,
 'anon': 960,
 'shock': 961,
 'refund': 962,
 'traditional': 963,
 'analyze': 964,
 'strategy': 965,
 'culture': 966,
 'parent': 967,
 'financially': 968,
 'campus': 969,
 'cheque': 970,
 'demonstrate': 971,
 'verbal': 972,
 'million': 973,
 'attempt': 974,
 'characteristic': 975,
 'exercise': 976,
 'discuss': 977,
 'totally': 978,
 'suitable': 979,
 'main': 980,
 'effect': 981,
 'hr': 982,
 'cognition': 983,
 'sources': 984,
 'literary': 985,
 'center': 986,
 'welcome': 987,
 'spring': 988,
 'implementation': 989,
 'international': 990,
 'technology': 991,
 'voice': 992,
 'philosophy': 993,
 'remember': 994,
 'condition': 995,
 'together': 996,
 'mine': 997,
 'santa': 998,
 'guideline': 999,

The function $\texttt{transform_to_vector}(L)$ takes a list of words $L$ and transforms this list into a vector $\mathbf{v}$. If $\texttt{CommonWords}[i] = w$, then $\mathbf{v}[i]$ specifies the number of times that $w$ occurs in $L$.

In [14]:
def transform_to_vector(L):
    Result = np.zeros((len(Common_Words, )))
    for w in L:
        if w in Index_Dict:
            Result[Index_Dict[w]] += 1
    return Result

The function $\texttt{get_word_vector}(fn)$ takes a filename fn, reads the specified file and transforms it into a feature vector.

In [15]:
def get_word_vector(fn):
    with open(fn) as file:
        text =
        text = text.lower()
        return transform_to_vector(re.findall(r"[\w']+", text))

Step 3: Compute the Inverse Document Frequency

In natural language processing, the notion term is used as a synonym for word. Given a term $t$ and a document $d$, the term frequency $\texttt{tf}(t, d)$ is defined as $$ \texttt{tf}(t, d) = \frac{d.\texttt{count}(t)}{\texttt{len}(d)}, $$ where $d.\texttt{count}(t)$ counts the number of times $t$ appears in $d$ and $\texttt{len}(d)$ is the length of the list representing $d$.

A corpus is a set of documents. Given a term $t$ and a corpus $\mathcal{C}$, the inverse document frequency $\texttt{idf}(t,\mathcal{C})$ is defined as $$ \texttt{idf}(t,\mathcal{C}) = \ln\left(\frac{\texttt{card}(\mathcal{C}) + 1}{\texttt{card}\bigl(\{ d \in \mathcal{C} \mid t \in d \}\bigr) + 1}\right). $$ The addition of $1$ in both nominator and denominator is called Laplace smoothing. This is necessary to prevent a division by zero error for those terms $t$ that do not occur in the list Common_Words.

Step 4: Compute the Feature Matrix

The function $\texttt{feature_matrix}(\texttt{spam_dir}, \texttt{ham_dir})$ takes two directories that contain spam and ham, respectively. It computes a matrix $X$ and a vector $Y$, where $X$ is the feature matrix and for every row $r$ of the feature matrix, $Y[r]$ is 1 if the mail is ham and 0 if it's spam.

The way $X$ is computed is quite inefficient, it would have been better to initialize $X$ as a matrix with the shape $(N,M)$, where $N$ is the number of mails and $M$ is the number of common words.

In [16]:
def feature_matrix(spam_dir, ham_dir):
    X = []
    Y = []
    for fn in os.listdir(spam_dir):
        X.append(get_word_vector(spam_dir + fn))
    for fn in os.listdir(ham_dir):    
        X.append(get_word_vector(ham_dir + fn))
    X = np.array(X)
    Y = np.array(Y)
    return X, Y

We convert the training set into a feature matrix.

In [17]:
X_train, Y_train = feature_matrix(spam_dir_train, ham__dir_train)

CPU times: user 163 ms, sys: 20.7 ms, total: 184 ms
Wall time: 183 ms

Up to now, the feature matrix contains only the term frequencies. Next we multiply with the inverse document frequencies.

In [18]:
N, _ = X_train.shape
IDF  = {}
for w, i in Index_Dict.items():
    IDF[w] = np.log((N + 1) / (Word_Counter[w] + 1))
    X_train[:, i] = X_train[:, i] * IDF[w]

We build the feature matrix for the test set.

In [19]:
X_test, Y_test = feature_matrix(spam_dir_test, ham__dir_test)

In [20]:
for w, i in Index_Dict.items():
    X_test[:, i] = X_test[:, i] * IDF[w]

Step 5: Train and Test a Support Vector Machine

In [21]:
import sklearn.svm as svm

Train an SVM and compute the accuracy on the training data.

In [22]:
M = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=100000)  (X_train, Y_train)
M.score(X_train, Y_train)


Compute the accuracy for the test data.

In [23]:
M.score(X_test, Y_test)


In [ ]: